The Community ESL Program is hosted by the Lutheran Church of Our Savior. If you would like to learn or improve your English language skills, take the first step by completing the online registration form.
Students may register for either morning or evening classes. If you register for classes, please plan to attend at least 16 classes. Hopefully, you can attend all 20 classes to earn a "Perfect Attendance Certificate"!
When you register, you will need to pick your class level. Here are the descriptions of the class levels.
If you need additional information before signing up, email esl@lcosrehoboth.org.
Nota: El formulario de registro se abrirá en una nueva ventana. Para el formulario en español, haga clic en la bandera de EE. UU. en la esquina superior derecha del formulario y seleccione la bandera de España).
You will receive an email confirmation when your registration is complete.
We are looking forward to seeing you!